Traveling to Peru

In a couple of days I will be off to my next, let’s call it, adventure. I am off to Peru for the next two months. I will be working for/ interning at a small agency in Arequipa. Arequipa is in the South of Peru in the middle of the Andes. I have never been to South America so I am fairly intrigued to see what it is like! Yet I am already incredibly nervous about the journey because I am flying to a country that I have never been before and where I only speak very little of the main language. I am not entirely sure what to expect in my work place or the hostel, so there are a lot of open questions that won’t be able to be answered until I am actually there, but of course that doesn’t stop my brain from wondering and worrying. But I am also incredibly excited to go away again for a longer time (2 months) and to see something new and challenging, something that I have never done before! So I thought I would talk to you a little bit about what I am scared will go wrong and what I am hoping to get out of this experience. As the whole overthinking part is currently creeping in more and more I will start with that.

-The flight! Everything on the way there will go wrong, missing connection flights and everything else. My luggage will get lost. Something/ everything you could ever imagine basically. (I am a frequent flyer but still the worries are all there)

Border. Not being allowed in the country, doing the wrong thing or say the wrong thing. Again I know that this is irrational but still….

-Language. The language will be a challenge but I usually pick stuff like this up fairly easily plus they speak English in the agency. So I shouldn’t be worried but of course it is on my mind

-People! I mean I don’t know anyone there so I am worried that I will struggle with that. I mean usually I am alright at chatting to people but who knows.

-Experiencing the culture. I am a person that is easily adaptable and doesn’t really care too much if something is different to what I am used to. I mean I like to pick up qualities and things that you do differently, but somehow there is still the worry that I won’t fit in.

-Warnings! There are so many guidelines and warnings and everything that they start to worry me and make me think that I am forgetting everything… it is ridiculous. But oh well…

So what am I looking forward to, you ask? Funnily enough some actually match the categories of the overthinking which kind of shows you how silly all the worrying is, but then again I think it is fairly normal that you worry about these kind of things, but here are my hopes/ expectations:

-PEOPLE. I am excited to meet new people, to meet the people I will be working with, the kids I get to work with, the people that I may meet when I am travelling, the people that will be staying with me, people that I will randomly meet

-The Culture. Like I said I have never been to South America, so I am excited to experience the Peruvian culture, to eat the food, to hear their music, to see what it is like living there on a daily basis and to see how different and in what way it is different.

Traveling. I am excited to travel both simply to Peru and through Peru. I have been looking at some trips already such as Lake Titicaca and Macchu Pichu and I am generally just excited for the landscape and architecture because I absolutely love seeing and exploring new places.

-Seeing What I Am Capable Off. As you may be able to tell from all the worrying this trip is just outside my comfort zone so I am excited to push myself that little more and to see what I will be able to do.

Anyways, maybe some of you will be able to relate, maybe some of you think I am being silly, but this is what happens in my brain just before I go on a trip like this.
I am hoping that I will be able to keep you updated on my trip while I am away and maybe I even have some time to write some other things, who knows.

Love you lots, Katie


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Going to a concert alone

On march 3rd I went do a concert, alone. Scary right? I didn’t think either that that is even possible, let alone for me. But as it turned out it is possible, and as you all can see I’m still alive! So I wanted to share my experience with you. Let me begin from the very start.

It wasn’t really planned that I go alone. I saw on Snapchat that someone I know is going to a Shawn Mendes concert in Berlin, so I wrote her that I’m super jealous of her because I wanted to go so bad as well but I don’t know anybody who’s interested in his music as well. She instantly said that I just could see if I still get a ticket and could go there as well. Luckily I still got a ticket and actually a ticket at the block right next to the block my friend had her ticket.


When it came to the planing part in how to get there I knew that I had to be all by myself, because she came from somewhere else and also could come there just before the concert started because she had school this day and the enxt day, so she had to drive back home right after the concert finished. So I booked my bus and a hotel room which was totally fine.

I arrived on the day, went to my hotel, got ready and went to the arena. I wrote my friend a message where she is but unfortunately her signal didn’t work and she couldn’t get my message. So I was all on my own. And let me tell you it was alright.

Of course it was a bit weird to not share my excitement with someone else before and between the supporting act and the main act and of course also after, but it definitely wasn’t the end of the world.

In fact it actually was very nice to be all by myself just enjoying the show. Don’t get my wrong all people I have been to concerts with were absolutely amazing and I couldn’t have wished for better accompanies but for this particular concert it was exactly what I needed.

When people find out that I enjoy Shawn Mendes music I’m always instantly labeled as a crazy 13 year old child. Which I’m defintely not as you all know. People don’t understand thaat despite the fanbase of the artist might be younger than me, you still can enjoy someones music. And thats what I so with Shawn Mendes music. I like how he writes his music and is super involved with all the processes of his songs. And I must say vocaly this show has definitely been the best show I’ve ever been to.

I just stood there enjoying his show and enjoyed how he got lost in the music and eventually I did as well. I sang along to his songs and just let the good energy in this big arena overwhelm me. For this concert and this moment in my life I wouldn’t have wated to talk to somebody or let me distract by anything. Sometimes you might think it’s shit that your friend bailed on you and doidn’t get your message so you’re all by yourself now and everything is shit, when in fact it was the best thing that could have happen to me for this evenning.

And hoenstly, I would do it all over again. If Shawn Mendes or any other artist is coming to Germaany again and I don’t know anybody who wouuld go there with me, I would go all by myself again! Because who cares?


If you want to have a good time at a concert or show or wwhatever, who says you need someone with you? Honestly, I wouln’t have thought that I could do that by myself and enjoy being there, but hoenstly, I did. If you enjoy someones show or music has nothing to do with whom you be there. Of course you might want to share this experience with someone and you might have an awesome time with them, but as I just discovered it isn’t the end of the world if you don’t find someobdy. And even think about if you’re out with someobdy and they’re the worst accompany you could have wished for. For example just sit in their seat whilst you dance around beside them. Or you sing along from the top of your lungs and just sit there all in silent. Or if they just conpalint about how shit this is and if you can go home now. You defintitely wouldn’ have a good time then. So better go alone where you know ypu can be 100% yourself and enjoy yourself and the niht then havng someone with you whos dragging you down and makes you not having suhc a good time than you could have.

I’m definitely a persson who always needs the supoort form others and I’m a very insecure person myself but if I learnt one thing from this expereince than it is that you can have a fucking awesome time all by yourself and enjoy yourself. And yes, there might be people around you who comment on why you came alone and if you don’t have friends, but firstly they don’t know ypu, so they have no idea whats going on in your life and how many friends you have and secondly 8and most importantly) who gives a fuck about what strangerssay about sou anyways? Let them talk! You do you! They do them! Whatever!

So go to this fucking concert all by yourself! Or go to this party all by yourself! Or go where ever you want to all by yourself! And who knows, you might meet new people who you become friends with! 🙂



Lots of love,

Jenny xxx.


Picture source – Jenny

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Marianas Trench Concert – Cologne

Hello everyone,

We (Jenny and Katie) went to see Marianas Trench on their Final Countdown Tour through Europe in Cologne yesterday. For Jenny, it was the second time seeing them live and, for Katie, it was the third time, however for both of us it was the first time we saw them in Germany.

So who is this band, you ask. Well, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Open Spotify/iTunes/YouTube or wherever else you listen to music and search for Marianas Trench ‘Who Do You Love’ and listen to this while you read this article.
Marianas Trench is a band of 4 guys from Vancouver Canada called Josh Ramsay, Mike Ayley, Matt Webb and Ian Cassleman. You may know some of Josh’s work as a song writer, though it is not even remotely similar to what they perform as a band. Their music genre kind of changes with every album as they all have varying themes, because they are all concept albums. However, in general it is pop rock/ pop punk. Although categorizing them in a music genre is, in our opinion, basically impossible since all of their albums, and even songs, are quite different and don’t really follow any music genre. But that is exactly what makes them them and makes them so great. The albums and every individual song are so well-rounded and well- written that every one of them is a masterpiece. For us, Ever After, is our favourite album ever, because it simply works so perfectly as album, as the songs are all connected musically and lyrically.

MT 4

Marianas Trench in Glasgow 2016

The venue was Gebäude 9, which was part of an old industrial estate turned concert venue, near the convention centre in Cologne. We got to sit in the yard of the venue and we wanted to give a big shout-out to the organisers who let everyone use the bathrooms whenever we wanted to during the wait. This was the first time ever for both of us where this was actually possible and it made the wait so much more enjoyable.
In the queue, we ended up chatting to other people about the band and everything else really. We met two girls who joined us for the rest of the concert and had little dance parties with us. We were amazed by how the band casually walked past a couple of times and everyone politely said ‘hi’ and no one went mental and everyone remained respectful towards the band. A big plus was that despite us not having VIP tickets we were able to hear the soundcheck, not only the VIP one but also the ‘proper’ one, through the open doors of the venue which got all of us really buzzing for the concert.
Inside the venue, we stood really close to the stage (always good for Jenny ‘cause she is small) and we got to take part in the sweat fest. While the venue had a great character it was absolutely boiling, however Josh’s makeup was on fleek throughout the ENTIRE gig.


Josh Ramsay in Cologne 2017

As for the concert itself. We were speechless once again. This time it was the same setlist as when we saw them for the first time back in September in Glasgow (and the same one to the one in Edinburgh two weeks ago), but we honestly couldn’t have cared less about this fact because the amazing vocals, harmonies, songs, musical performance, and everything else were simply on point. Seriously, we have heard it before but still there were a lot of goosebumps and nearly crying and holding onto each other for emotional support.

They opened with the opening song of their latest album, Astoria (both song and album), which perfectly set the mood for the entire gig. As this song starts of slowly and then picks up it is the perfect opening song as it builds the crowd up slowly and by the end of it people are simply ready to enjoy the night and to be an amazing participating crowd.
Katie’s highlight of the concert is still the fifth song, ‘All To Myself’, because when we saw them for the first time they seemed so amazed that people knew this song and still they let the crowd sing the first verse by themselves and watch the crowd smiling seemingly overwhelmed by the crowd knowing it so well. It has always been one of my favourite songs.

Jenny’s highlight is always the song ‘Who Do You Love’, because of the incredible harmonies that make that song. The song has a beautiful vibe and message and you can feel that everyone in the crowd feels exactly the same way about it. It connects the crowd to the band and therefore creates a special moment.

Overall, throughout the entire concert the harmonies were absolutely killing all of us. That was the thing we always worried about before seeing them live for the first time that it would never be as incredible as it is on the albums. But every FUCKING time they destroy every single, tiny bit of doubt you could have for them ever, within the first song.
Josh’s vocal range throughout the night never seizes to amaze us as well.
We also loved that, as all of them are great singers, for the song ‘This Means War’, Mike and Matt got to sing lead vocals for the majority of the song.
As they started concert with the opening song of Astoria, they closed it with the final song of the album, ‘End of an Era’. ‘End of an Era’ has the opposite effect of ‘Astoria’, as it slows things down again while emotionally completely fucking you over one last time. Everyone around us was crying and the perfect combination of lyrics, music and harmonies. It is such a well-rounded song that afterwards you need a break to collect yourself, while it still leaves you wanting more for next time (AND THERE WILL 100% BE A NEXT TIME FOR US!!!!!)


Josh Ramsay in Edinburgh 2017

In addition to the band, we would like to point out that their crew helped to make this show this great. They interacted with the band (yay to dancing and snapping along to the songs), messing about with the band, being on stage with the band for some songs and most importantly for whispering funny/ apparently dirty things into the earpieces of the other crew members and the band.

The perfect end to the night was that the band came out after the gig and chatted to people, took pictures and signed things. They were lovely towards the fans and actually took time chatting to them as well. They seemed to genuinely care about everyone which was nice to see.


Our pictures with the band 🙂 

Overall it was an incredible night, we met lovely people and would 10000000000000% recommend the music of the band and seeing them live to everyone in this world!
We can vouch for their incredibleness and also for people who don’t know them as much, because the first time we went to see them, we went with a girl who had no idea who they were and even she had an amazing time!

We have one recommendation to Marianas Trench though: Please make a tour where you stay in every city for a night per album (currently 4) each and perform all songs consecutively. Alternatively, we would also accept just ever after in a concert hall with a full orchestra and choir. Thank you so much for taking this into consideration!

Lots of Love,

Jenny and Katie

Cover photo: Instagram @joshramsayofficial



The silent friend

In my friendship groups I’ve always been the weird and silent one, or the one who isn’t as comfortable as the rest. But lately I recognized this even more.

Don’t get me wrong I like my friends and I like to hang out with them, but sometimes to go out and meet them is very difficult for me. Let me explain why.

Since I was a little kid I was extremely shy and I absolutely hate to talk to strangers or people I barely know and sometimes even within my friendship group. Like for example yesterday I was out with some of my friends visiting a Street Food Festival. Sound awesome right? I mean what could you better do on a sunny Sunday than spent some time with your friends outside with awesome food?! And you’re right, there is barely anything that is better. Wouldn’t there be this weird feeling in my stomach and my head saying me how uncomfortable I am. We sat down on the grass, eating and talking, but for some reasons I can’t really join the conversations. I sit there and listen. I always do. Although a lot of times I would like to tell my little stories as well or say something. Instead I sit there and have this conversation in my head but never speak it out loud. I’m too afraid what they might say to it, or that it doesn’t fit the conversation or that people will make fun of what I’m saying. I’m too insecure about what people might say to what I said or react to it, that I stay silent instead.

A lot of times my friends even point that out. I remember one occasion extremely vividly. It was last year at a friends birthday party. He invited all from our friendship group around for just a chilled evening. We were about 12 or 14 people or so. When I arrived I made sure to sit right in the corner of the bed so I’m not in the spotlight or in the way. Everybody had a nice conversation about all kind of things. Once again I sat there, listening to what everyone was saying. When a friend of mine said: “All Jenny does is sit there in silent and doesn’t contribute anything. She only sometimes give a random fact and that’s it.” Knowing him, he did mean it with any bad intention but ever since it stuck with me. He is right. All I do is sit there say nothing the whole time because I’m too afraid to say anything or say anything wrong. But why? They’re my friends I should be comfortable joining the conversation, shouldn’t I? Even when someone asks me a question or says something to be/about me I immediately turn super red and just want it to stop and that people talk about something different.

I don’t know if this has to do with that I have a social anxiety or any other sort of mental illness/blockade, I only can say that recently I found it even harder than ever. And since my way of trying to solve a problem is to write about it, I thought it would be a good idea to write about it on here. Because ever since I met the other 3 girls I realized that I can be totally myself around them. They don’t judge me for anything I do, they only ever encouraged me in everything I do or want to do. So when we created this Blog I knew that this blog is my safe space. It’s a place where I can turn to when I don’t know where my head is any more and just write about it. There might be people out there who read this right now and realize ‘Hey I’m not the only one who feels like that’ or says ‘Hey there are other people out there who struggle with who they are and social interactions’. If there is even only one person out there who thinks like that I’m more than happy.

I think about topics like this it isn’t really spoken about and I’m really not okay with this. Growing up is a fucking hard thing and every single person struggles with all kind of different problems. Why can’t we talk about them and help each other grow?!

I really don’t know what I can do to be better in social interactions, all I know is even when I push myself to say something it doesn’t help. I still fell uncomfortable and shit in these situations and for some reasons I think that’s something that will never go away. I guess I have to learn just to live with it. Or maybe I don’t. If you know any tips please let me know in the comment section below or on our other social media:



Anyway, I think I’m going to watch some Netflix now because that’s how I can just forget about stuff like this.

I hope you have/had a wonderful day!!!
Lot of love,

Jenny xxx.

Picture Source